599915 : Clinical Coder

599915: Clinical Coder

Skill Level  3  Assessing Authority  VETASSESS
ANZSCO VERSION 1.3, CAT. NO. 1220.0 
Major Group:5 - Clerical and Administrative Workers
Sub-Major Group:59 - Other Clerical and Administrative Workers
Minor Group:599 - Miscellaneous Clerical and Administrative Workers
Unit Group:5999 - Other Miscellaneous Clerical and Administrative Workers


Assigns codes to narrative descriptions of patients' diseases, operations and procedures in accordance with recognised classification systems to allow for easy storage, retrieval and analysis of health data.

Unit Group 5999: Other Miscellaneous Clerical and Administrative Workers


This unit group covers Clerical and Administrative Workers not elsewhere classified. It includes Coding Clerks, Production Assistants (Film, Television, Radio or Stage), Proof Readers and Radio Despatchers.

Indicative Skill Level  3

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.

In Australia:

AQF Certificate II or III (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)

In New Zealand:
NZQF Level 2 or 3 qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)

At least one year of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.
Registration or licensing may be required.

The occupation Clinical Coder has a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.

In Australia:

AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on-the-job training, or AQF Certificate IV (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)

In New Zealand:
NZQF Level 4 qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)

At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013, ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.3, cat. no. 1220.0, https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/mf/1220.0