232212 : Surveyor

232212: Surveyor

Skill Level  1  Assessing Authority  SSSI
ANZSCO VERSION 1.3, CAT. NO. 1220.0 
Major Group:2 - Professionals
Sub-Major Group:23 - Design, Engineering, Science and Transport Professionals
Minor Group:232 - Architects, Designers, Planners and Surveyors
Unit Group:2322 - Surveyors and Spatial Scientists


Plans, directs and conducts survey work to determine, delineate, plan and precisely position tracts of land, natural and constructed features, coastlines, marine floors and underground works, and manages related information systems. Registration or licensing may be required.

Unit Group 2322: Surveyors and Spatial Scientists


Apply scientific and mathematical principles to design, prepare and revise maps and charts, plan, direct and conduct survey work to determine, delineate, plan and precisely position tracts of land, natural and constructed features, coastlines, marine floors and underground works, and manage related information systems.

Indicative Skill Level  1

In Australia and New Zealand:

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Registration or licensing may be required.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013, ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.3, cat. no. 1220.0, https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/mf/1220.0